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Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Last night, Irelynn gave me the best birthday present I could ever imagine, a good night's sleep. She slept from 9pm to 7am, only waking one time to feed. Now this may not sound like much to many mom's, but our nightly rituals have been less than pleasant lately. We have had several middle-of-the-night crying sessions and a couple of feedings. So, clearly, last night was nothing short of a miracle in my eyes. I am hoping that this becomes our new nightly ritual, but I won't get my hopes up yet. Sleep is just one of those things that I never fully appreciated until Irelynn was born. I think I have learned the definition of sleep deprivation and how it can be used as torture in some settings. Thank you, Irelynn, for giving your mom such a wonderful gift.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

I just got back from a 3-day, overnight, work conference. I was so nervous about leaving. The night before I left, Irelynn cried for almost 3hrs on and off before I finally put her in the bed beside me. I left the next morning for the airport at 4;45am. Irelynn, Katie, and their daddy had a blast while I was gone, but I know they all missed me....